RYAN’S Goals
1.I would like to be better at 12 and 13 x tables so that I could say it off by heart.
I will do this by doing hit the button and making a chart.
2. I would like to be better at squared numbers so I could write it quickly and say it.
I will do this by asking one of my family members to call the question out and practising.
3.I would like to be good at changing improper fraction to mixed number so I could write the answer down quickly.
I will do this by solving some fraction problem solving and making some questions up and solving it.
4.I would like to be better at flippaball so our team could win at the games.
I will do this by improving by shooting,swimming and team work.
5.I would like to be better at butterfly in swimming. So I could be faster at butterfly.
I will do this by practising lifting my arm over and doing fly kick.
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